Team Adler squad is an exceptionally talented team of manufacturers, whose latest and most innovative product was an electrical go-kart, which they desired to utilise in the immensely proud moment of representing Telangana State in The National E- Kart Championship. This team of tremendously determined and highly skilled youngsters was in requirement of a proficiently professional crew to capture their persevering moments from the production of a fabulous electrical go-kart till they proudly placed it on the championship tracks. And puff, our company appeared to their aid.
Media Production:
​Inspired by their determination and fruitful efforts to make it to the championship, our videographers and editors made the mission even more crucial to us and we utilised our best sources of software and hardware to create a gravitating trailer comprising of nearly all the major manufacturing moments. The squad spent their blood and sweat blended with to produce the go-kart, and simultaneously our crew spent our time and hard-work woven with ingenuity to capture those preciously proud moments. Eventually, within a week, the spectacular trailer of their incredible inventiveness was released by our video editors, who consulted Team Adler at every point while generating the final video, from the variety of graphics that they preferred to the length of the trailer, everything was executed based on their discretion.