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THE ART OF CREATIVITY "The desire to be creative is one of the deepest cravings of the human soul"

Writer's picture: N.A. KhanN.A. Khan

Ever been through a time when you were about to write a blog or pen down a new chapter for your story, completely motivated and energized, however the moment you apply your fingers, you go blank ... No idea flashes across your mind, and your brain feels numb. Now fast forward three days, you are just about to take a bath, you turn on the shower and the instant the splash of water makes contact with your skin... A brilliant plot twist for your chapter, or the solution to a problem you have been mulling over for weeks strikes your mind.

Within these kind of moments, you have made contact with the spirit of creativity. When the spirit of creativity strikes a being, it invokes within the person, an innate desire to innovate that has been inbuilt within the person, and to explore various new ways of doing things and to bring dreams into reality.

The unconscious mind is far more receptive to creativity than the conscious mind. Moreover , the unconscious communicates with us in ways that go beyond words, that includes imagery of the senses as well as the intuitive feelings.

We are more prone to ideas and insights from the unconscious mind when we are relaxing and not contemplating on anything particular. For that reason, dreams are greatly helpful in the search for creativity. Anytime when the mind can attain relaxation, such as long drives, showers, or even just daydreaming can unleash the creative instinct in our mind.

For instance, we are all acquainted with the story of Archimedes, the famous Greek mathematician who shouted 'Eureka' having found Density whilst taking a bath.

With luck, relaxation and daydreaming, comes the enlightenment when the answer to all your queries bumps into you. However, the thought alone is still not complete creativity. The climax stage is when you transform the idea or insight into action, and that's when it becomes useful to you as well as others!

Here I present to you 5 effective ways to be more creative:

1)Take notes of sudden interesting thoughts or ideas

2) Engage in conversations whose topics are out of your area of expertise

3) Maintain a record of your experiences like a physical or virtual diary.

4) Water your curiosity by ransacking the internet for various topics that mildly interest you

5) Do activities or take up sports that do not interest you. For example, if you are a footballer, once in a while try a hand at basketball or cricket.

In short, it is only when you step outside the dreaded circle referred to as the 'Comfort Zone', is when you will discover the true depth of the potential of your creativity, and initiate the first step towards making the world an innovative paradise...


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